
Education and Certifications 

B-Tech (IT) | EC-Council | Red Hat | VMware

Professional Experience

Cybersecurity Technology | 2020 - present
Unix/Linux Infrastructure Security | Senior Associate Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Technology | 2019 - 2020
Compute Midrange Security | Associate Cybersecurity

HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) | 2015 - 2018
iSeries Server Support  | Information Security Specialist | Team Lead

Identity and Access Management & Infrastructure Support

HSBC Technology and Services (HDPI) | 2013-2015
Enhanced Monitoring & Controls | Information Security & Risk Analyst (iSeries)

HSBC Technology and Services - Internal Audit (HDPI) | 2011 -  2013
Log Monitoring  | Information Security Analyst

Platforms & SOX Monitoring

Professional skills
